
Home / News / Characteristics Of New Energy Vehicle Tooth Gear

Characteristics Of New Energy Vehicle Tooth Gear

Posted by Admin | 02 Dec

  New Energy Vehicle Tooth Gear transmission is a widely used transmission method in mechanical transmission, so what are the characteristics of new energy vehicle gears in the transmission process? The following is a detailed introduction for you:

  1. The instantaneous transmission ratio is constant. The instantaneous transmission ratio of non-circular gear transmission can be designed according to the changing rules of demand.

  2. The transmission ratio is large and can be used for deceleration or speed-up.

  3. The speed (peripheral speed of the knuckles) and the transmission power are large, and can be used for high-speed (v>40m/s), medium-speed, and low-speed (v<25m/s) transmission; the power ranges from less than 1W to 105KW.

  4. High transmission power. With a pair of high-precision involute cylindrical gears, the power can reach more than 99%.

  5. Compact structure, suitable for short-distance transmission.

  6. The manufacturing cost is higher. Some new energy vehicle gears with special tooth shapes or high precision require special or high-precision machine tools, cutting tools, and measuring instruments, so the manufacturing process is complicated and the cost is high.

  7. The transmission power can range from very small to hundreds of thousands of kilowatts; the speed can reach 300m/s; the diameter of new energy vehicle gears can range from a few millimeters to more than 20 meters. However, special equipment is required to manufacture new energy vehicle gears, and meshing transmission will generate noise.

  8. No overload protection function. The gear transmission of new energy vehicles is stable, the transmission ratio is accurate, the work is reliable, the power is high, the life is long, and the power, speed, and size of the application are large. Now, this transmission method is very popular, and it is also used more.

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